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These Hemp Oil Benefits Nourish You Inside Out


Hemp Oil is emerging as fierce competition to the seasoned players of the industry, be it coconut oil or olive oil. The health benefits of hemp oil are plenty and can easily replace the health supplements you take. From providing relief during migraine attacks to taking care of your hair, hemp oil can work many wonders. If you are thinking of giving hemp oil a try, here is all you need to know about its benefits.

Hemp Oil vs CBD Oil

Many people tend to confuse CBD oil with hemp oil, although in reality, they are very different. While the stalks of a mature hemp plant go into making CBD oil, hemp oil comes only from the seeds.

If the question lurking in your head is Why is CBD so popular, then it is important to note that CBD is a cannabinoid that gives cannabis the medicinal properties. It is the presence of this compound in cannabis, which makes it so beneficial and eminent. Buy CBD Online to experience more of its uses.


How Hemp Oil becomes a superfood?

1. Keeps your skin healthy and supple:

While there is a myriad of ways in which hemp can nourish you, its skin nourishment properties stand out the most. According to research done by the University of Seville in 2014, hemp oil is rich in fatty acids and other healthy oils. Be it sudden breakouts or aging skin that is giving you sleepless nights; hemp oil can effectively control it. The contents of this oil are therapeutic, which can provide a new life to dull and decaying skin cells. Here you can read more about why is Hemp seed oil good for your skin. 

How to take it: To nourish and moisturize your skin, it is best to use hemp oil topically. You can apply it directly to the affected area, be it your skin, nails or hair, and yield good results.


2. Becomes an aid to digestion

Are you suffering from gastronomical problems? Hemp seeds and even hemp seed oil is a good source of fibers, which can restore your digestive health. The fiber from hemp becomes a gel-like substance in your stomach. It becomes a valuable source of nutrition that the healthy bacteria in your gut thrive on. It can even bring down the blood sugar and cholesterol level. The fiber also adds bulk to stool and can help it to pass through the stomach. Along with it, the risk of diabetes also goes down when using hemp oil regularly.

How to take it: Although hemp seeds are better to aid digestion, if you cannot consume it directly, take a spoon of cold-pressed hemp oil every morning or you can also put in on your salad or make a hempalicious meal with it.


3. Protects your brain

A human brain requires a large proportion of healthful oils, and hemp seed oil is a good source of that. Being rich in fatty acids and other compounds that are good for the health of your brain, it becomes a must-have dietary supplement if you want to keep your brain in good shape.

A clinical study conducted on mice showed evidence that the extract of hemp seed contains compounds that work actively to protect the brain from inflammation. As per a study by the University of Messina, Italy polyphenols present in hemp oil can also help in keeping any brain-related disorder at bay. Although there is less evident when it comes to humans, the future seems bright.

How to take it: To ensure that the right nutrients get to your brain, you can take hemp oil orally in the form of tincture or add it to your daily diet.


4. Brings relief from period cramps

Women go through intense physical and mental roller-coaster during menstruation. While it is easier for some, more than 80% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome or PMS. If you are suffering from the symptoms, it is due to the prolactin hormone. A research paper written by Frank J. Flider states that hemp oil contains gamma-linolenic acid which produces prostaglandin E1, which can counter the effects of the hormone prolactin. So, even you can rely on hemp oil to battle your monthly fight with excruciating period cramps, irritability, mood swings, breast pain, and fluid retention. Women who are going through the menopause can also find relief and get through the phase much more smoothly by ingesting hemp oil.

How to take it: Both vaping and oral consumption of hemp oil can bring relief for period cramps. But, in case of extreme pain, you can also apply the oil on your abdomen to get relief.


5. Keeps a check on cardiovascular ailments

As per the World Health Organisation did a survey, heart diseases are the most common cause of death. You may find it astonishing, but hemp oil can help you stay away from various heart-related disorders. Other than hemp oil, people addicted to smoking can use vaping as an alternative to take care of health. Before buying any hemp oil or vaping product, always look for hemp oil and vape juice reviews. You can also find vape juices here:

Among the amino acids present in hemp oil, arginine is particularly essential for it to produces nitrogen oxide which dilates the blood vessels and also relaxing them. A study by The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio reports that people who ingested arginine had lower levels of C-reactive protein, which can cause inflammation and then lead to heart troubles. Along with lower blood pressures, you can also keep blood clots and heart attacks at bay by including hemp oil in your daily diet.

How to take it: You can add hemp oil to your food, be it a shake, pasta, or salad to keep your heart healthy.


Although hemp seed oil is slowly starting to become a hit in today’s market, it was already a trusted dietary supplement since ancient times among our ancestors. Hemp oil, being rich in proteins, amino acids, and minerals can help nourish you from within and even outside.

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