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Routine Ersteller

Benötigen Sie Hilfe beim Erstellen Ihrer Hautpflegeroutine?

Wählen Sie Ihre Hautpflegeziele und entscheiden Sie sich für die Routine, die am besten zu Ihnen passt. Jedes Produkt wurde sorgfältig ausgewählt, um perfekt zusammenzuwirken.
Genießen Sie exklusive Ersparnisse: 2 Produkte = 10%, 3 Produkte = 20%, 4 oder mehr = 25% Rabatt.

Ihre Hautpflege, Ihre Regeln!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of purchasing Hemptouch products as part of a routine?

By selecting products as part of a routine, carefully chosen to work in perfect synergy with your skin, you can enjoy savings of up to 25%.

How does the "Routine Builder" work?

Select one of two routines. Within the routine, choose your cleanser (or both), toner, serum, moisturiser, and SPF. You can pick two or more products to customise your skincare routine.

How much can I save when I shop by routine?

Enjoy exclusive savings when you shop through our Routine Builder and choose multiple products within a routine:

Which routine is best for normal, dry, or sensitive skin?

We recommend the Anti-age Hydrating Routine Builder for these skin types.

Which routine is best for dry, dehydrated, sensitive, mature skin, or concerns like fine lines, signs of aging, tired skin, rosacea, or redness?

The Anti-age Hydrating Routine Builder is ideal for addressing these concerns.

Which routine is best for oily or combination skin?

We recommend the Balancing Routine Builder for oily or combination skin types.

Which routine is best for addressing skin imbalance, excess oil, acne, clogged pores, dull complexion, redness, or inflammation?

The Balancing Routine Builder is specifically designed to help rebalance your skin and target these concerns.

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Bei Hemptouch nutzen wir die hautpflegenden Eigenschaften von Hanf, um Menschen auf der ganzen Welt zu helfen, ihr Leben positiv zu verändern.

Company location:

Hemptouch d.o.o.
Podbreznik 15
8000 Novo mesto