Psoriasis (Lat. psoriasis vulgaris) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease, characterized by an accelerated cycle of skin cell growth. A healthy person that doesn’t suffer from psoriasis has mature skin cells appear on the surface of their skin about once a month, making room for new cells, while people with psoriasis see their skin cells come off and change once every two weeks. The accelerated cell division cycle is a consequence of the excessive activity of the immune system that keeps sending signals that the cells are infected, causing excessive growth of skin cells.
Psoriasis is a very common autoimmune disease
Psoriasis is usually defined as a skin disease, but the condition of the skin is actually a sign of chronic autoimmune disease, the cause of which is still unknown. Scientists believe that the cause lies in a disorder of the immune system that, by mistake, activates the reaction in the skin cells, accelerating the cycle of their growth. Often, psoriasis is passed on from parents to children, so the hereditary factor is crucial in its occurrence. Longer exposure to the stress hormone cortisol, certain environmental influences and an inadequate diet are among other factors that can strongly influence the occurrence of psoriasis.
On average, 4% of the population is affected by psoriasis in Western society. Interestingly, the occurrence of this disease is higher in the northern parts of Europe, while in some parts of the world psoriasis is completely unknown.
The symptoms of psoriasis
Psoriasis most commonly expresses itself in red or pink eczema with a silver lining. Elbows, knees and the edge of the scalp where it resembles dandruff are the most common places psoriasis appears on the body. The white flakes or scales are a result of excessive skin cell division, which can also develop up to ten times faster at the site of the inflammation.
Where psoriasis manifests itself most commonly
- Elbows and other joints
- Scalp and the edges of the scalp
- On the nails, in the form of oily eczema or yellow-brown stains
- Palms
- The back
People affected by psoriasis can also suffer from psoriatic arthritis and inflammation of the joints. Smaller joints of the hands and feet are affected more often and about 30% of those affected by psoriasis will also develop psoriatic arthritis, characterized by pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints.
Psoriasis treatments
A cure for psoriasis is still unknown, but there are various therapies that alleviate its symptoms. Problems caused by psoriasis are most often relieved by topical medication, chief among them corticosteroids, the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, whose long-term use can cause serious negative effects on the skin and body.
We can alleviate the symptoms of psoriasis on our own, with moderate exposure to the sun and with a balanced and healthy lifestyle, minimizing stress as much as possible. Also a key component is a healthy and balanced diet.
Caring for psoriasis-affected skin
People struggling with psoriasis must take special care of their skin. Gentle soaps and gels that respect the natural pH level of your skin are important and occasionally, an oil bath is also advised. Regular care with natural butters and oils that support the skin renewal cycle and restore balance is of utmost importance and regular use of nurturing balms can help reduce or severely restrict the frequency of psoriasis outbreaks.
Relieving psoriasis using CBD
The best-known features of CBD cannabinoid are its anti-inflammatory action and its support of the immune system. Our bodies have their own internal endocannabinoid system with receptors that bind endocannabinoids, ensuring that our organism is in harmony. When our body is ill, tired or stressed, it does not produce enough endocannabinoids – but we can help with phytocannabinoids, i.e. endocannabinoids of plant origin. Best known among them is the CBD cannabinoid. These phytocannabinoids help our bodies find balance again.
The endocannabinoid system is also part of our skin. This means that endocannabinoid receptors can be found in our skin, giving CBD extraordinary possibilities for therapeutic effects on skin problems. These conclusions are supported by studies that indicate a great potential of phytocannabinoids in the fight against skin problems such as psoriasis.
To briefly summarize the effects of CBD on psoriasis: industrial cannabis cannabinoids have an anti-inflammatory effect and inhibit the growth of keratinocytes, cells that renew the epithelium by producing new cells. With psoriasis, the production of keratinocytes in the epithelium is accelerated and cannabinoids help normalize the cycle, leading to the reduction of scaly skin.
The number of satisfied CBD cannabinoid users is rising
The positive effects of CBD are also reported by many satisfied users, who used cannabinoids to relieve the effects of psoriasis without additionally burdening their skin. Many of them managed to ease the itching, redness, peeling of the skin and swelling with the help of CBD, and some of them managed to eliminate psoriasis forever.
For the best effect, it is advised to simultaneously take CBD oil orally, which act as support for the immune system and balance the skin from the inside out, as well as use appropriate skincare through a combination of specialised CBD balms. Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm is bursting with full spectrum CBD resin and is specially formulated for acute skin conditions like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. It's 100% natural formula is proven hypoallergenic, made for the most sensitive of skin types.

Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm 50 ml (SAN)
Concentrated CBD treatment balm tackles the toughest symptoms of atopic skin, alleviates skin reactions and soothes eczema flare-u.. Details
Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm keeps psoriasis spots under control
"I'm fighting with my psoriasis for about 40 years now. It was CBD oil and skin balm that helped me keep it under control. Many thanks!!!" -Robert
Something that actually helps !!!
"At last, I've found something that actually helps !!!
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“Keeps psoriasis spots under control. ... I'm fighting with my psoriasis for about 40 years now. It was CBD oil and skin balm that helped me keep it under control. Many thanks!!!" - Robert W.
“It really helps the irritated and flaky atopic skin on my arms, hands and face.” - Cheryl