Today, let’s focus on factors you should minimize to prevent outbreaks instead of listing ways to ease the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema. A natural predisposition or proneness to atopic dermatitis is, of course, responsible for the outbreaks of this common skin disease but outbreaks can be successfully avoided if situations and triggers from the environment are minimized. Below we made a list of the main triggers to help you identify them more easily around you.
Dry skin
If your skin is very dry for prolonged periods of time, it can weaken, become rough and taut, which can trigger an eczema outbreak. Dry skin is especially common during the winter, so moisturizing your skin regularly is very important. We recommend you use a highly moisturizing natural body lotion right after your bath that will nourish and moisturize your skin. Next, apply a layer of an ointment to keep the moisture trapped in your skin.

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Skin irritating substances
Substances that can irritate your skin and are known atopic dermatitis triggers include:
- Personal hygiene products (soap, shampoo, shower gel)
- Household cleaning products (dishwashing liquid, various cleaning agents)
- Certain types of fabrics, e.g. wool, polyester
- Certain metals in bracelets, necklaces and earrings
- Laundry detergents and fabric softeners
Rule no. 1 is to always choose natural cleaning products and laundry detergents. Make sure to also use paraben-free, sulphate-free fragrance-free natural cosmetics without irritants. You can also substitute your fabric softener with vinegar, it’s natural and just as effective at removing scale.
Lately, stress is not only our faithful companion, it’s also one of the main culprits for many of the modern problems that plague us. We haven’t researched all the negative effects of stress yet, but it has been proven that stress has a negative effect on our well-being, our immune system, can trigger various autoimmune diseases, allergies and of course, outbreaks of atopic dermatitis.
The weather
Outbreaks of atopic dermatitis are more common in the winter. The two main reasons for this increase are the greater moisture loss in your skin and the temperature differences between the outside and the inside. You can help reduce the chances of an outbreak by protecting your skin with additional layers (hats, gloves, warm clothing and rich ointments that protect the top layer of your skin).
However, winter and cold are not the only two culprits of dermatitis outbreaks. Rash and itching also often start on sweaty areas of our bodies. Such outbreaks start when the heath outside is higher or after an intense exercise. In such cases, rashes most often occur in the folds of your skin (where sweating is the strongest). You can reduce the chances of such an outbreak with a quick shower after your exercise or by applying baby powder to areas where you sweat.
A bad diet
If an atopic dermatitis outbreak is caused by sensitivity to certain foods, the rash will most commonly occur between 6 to 24 hours after you ingested the food.
The most common foods that can trigger an outbreak include:
- Citrus fruits
- Milk and dairy products
- Eggs
- Gluten
- Soy
- Tomatoes
- Certain types of nuts
- Vanilla, cinnamon, clove
To determine if you are sensitive to any of the foods we listed above, try a controlled diet. Gradually remove individual foods from your menu and observe the reactions of your organism. If there is an improvement after a particular food is removed from your diet, that is proof that you are sensitive to that food and it would be wise to remove it from your diet altogether.