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Interview: My anxiety completely cleared away


We were so touched by a message we’ve received a few days ago from Kitti: “I won the previous giveaway CBD Spray and all I have to say, I am so impressed, I will just order another bottle. My anxiety completely cleared away! I was in peace after such a long time again!”

We just had to ask Kitti to share her story. Here at Hemptouch we firmly believe that these things should be discussed publicly more often. It is a serious issue more and more people are dealing with. We’re here to say: you are not alone. Please don’t hide and suppress your condition. It is just a way your body is dealing with incredibly fast-paced life we’re living today.

Kitti, thank you so much for accepting this interview and for sharing your story.

my anxiety completely cleared away


1. Kitty, what kind of issues did you experience and when did they first start?

After a very painful brake-up, when I finally got over it, something was not the same then before. Even in my happiest moments, when I didn’t have any problem this constant feeling that something is badly, deeply wrong, and that if I don’t sort it out something awful is going to happen – I just couldn’t work out what it is that’s so wrong in the first place. Anxiety is obsessing over the details of the past and fretting over the things that haven’t yet happened. It’s wondering if people hate you, or if you were weird the other night when you saw your friends. Also, I have started to over-care, overthink, over-fear everything.


2. In past, did you try other remedies or medication? Were they effective?

I refused to use any kind of sedative medications; I knew that the side effects will cause more problems in long term.


3. Where did you first find out about Hemptouch CBD Spray?

After years of struggling and feeling worse, I had my first panic attack, and that was the moment when I actually told about this to my friends. (Do not ask me why, but I always felt this is kind of a shame for me, so I kept it as a “secret”). And one of them mentioned that I should try CBD oil. I started to read a lot about it, and I even checked hashtags on Instagram, and that was how I find about your brand, and you were sharing a giveaway for CBD Spray, so I gave it a try and I won it, and I will be forever grateful for it. I guess it had to happen in that way.


4. How long did it take before experiencing first signs of improvement?

After I started to use this oil less than a week later, I already felt major improvements - my anxiety is reduced, I am just much calmer without any particular reason. It feels amazing! I read a lot that it can help with cystic hormonal acne as well, but unfortunately, I did not see any improvement on my skin.


5. Would you describe how you are using Hemptouch CBD Spray?

I spray it under my tongue 5 times at once. Usually it is enough, but if I feel anxious, I just repeat it again.


6. Have you noticed any negative side effects?

Nothing at all.


7. Would you recommend this product? If yes, to whom?

I should definitely recommend to those suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders.


8. Would you like to tell something else to our readers?

Please do not be scared to talk about your mental health, it is not a shame like I felt before, it is important! Also, I would like to grab the chance and say thank you for the team in Hemptouch, not just because their product absolutely changed my life, but their customer service skills is another level of kindness and helpfulness. I could highly recommend them to everybody.

- Kitti Sochaczki

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Hemptouch we bring the extraordinary skincare benefits of hemp to people around the world, helping transform their lives.

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