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CBD And THC - Do You Know The Difference?


Do you know the difference between cannabis and marijuana? Many people still confuse CBD with THC and do not know the characteristics of either, which is why the word ‘cannabis’ still has a negative connotation - people tend to think of it as a drug that makes you high.

So - what is the difference between CBD and THC?

The main difference is that industrial hemp contains a higher concentration of CBD, while cannabis sativa or marijuana contains a higher concentration of THC. Both CBD and THC are cannabinoids that affect the endocannabinoid system in our body, but they differ in the type of receptors they influence. THC has a strong effect on receptors in the brain, resulting in behavioural changes, while CBD influences the receptors in our endocannabinoid system, which, in turn, has a positive effect on our body.

THC and its characteristics

THC is therefore the cannabinoid that has a psychoactive effect on humans, which means that we will get a feeling of a daze or a high after consuming it in large amounts. THC is most commonly detected by smoking marijuana, which results in behavioural changes.

In addition to the feeling of being high, THC is also associated with increased appetite, lower concentration, increased relaxation and, in some cases, diminished sensation of pain. It’s this last characteristic that often leads to THC being used for medicinal purposes, as it can help with managing severe pain. Symptoms of incurable diseases such as cancer are often alleviated by using THC.

Is THC harmful?

Opinions on THC are, of course, quite divided, but the fact remains that this ingredient is illegal precisely because of its psychoactive effect. Long-term consumption of THC can also cause problems with concentration and impaired memory. THC is generally allowed as an ingredient in products, so long as its content is lower than 0.2%.

But, despite its psychoactive effect, we cannot only highlight its bad qualities - we must also point out some positive ones. THC is often used for pain relief, as well as for increasing appetite and managing anxiety. It has also been proven that THC is not addictive in the long term, unlike all other drugs.

CBD and its characteristics

CBD does not cause a feeling of intoxication and its consumption will not make us ‘high’. On the contrary - CBD is used to help with a wide range of ailments nowadays because it has a great therapeutic potential and alleviates many of the problems we face daily. Therapies for patients with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease are often based on the use of CBD, and it can also help people with epilepsy. Due to its positive effect on the receptors in our body, it’s being used with increased frequency to alleviate various psychological problems too, such as stress, depression, insomnia, anxiety, etc.

Is CBD safe?

CBD is known for its therapeutic properties and is a natural remedy for many problems. It is also completely legal and easily accessible since it does not have a psychoactive effect. Not only is it allowed, it is even recommended, as it can have a very beneficial effect on our well-being.

CBD is the main ingredient of many of our products, since it has been proven to improve skin problems and imperfections, but because it also has a positive effect on one’s mental state, we used it in CBD drops and sprays to help you with fatigue, insomnia, stress and anxiety too. CBD is therefore a completely natural and safe support suitable for all users.

Where is CBD used?

Due to its many benefits, the use of CBD is rapidly expanding into more and more areas. Here at Hemptouch, we predominantly use it in our cosmetic products, considering it has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect, but we’re seeing an increase in interest for our drops and sprays with a CBD extract too. We designed CBD Oil Gold for everyone who wants help in overcoming daily stress and a general support for the endocannabinoid system. In addition to cosmetics, CBD is also used in the food industry, usually in the form of various additives and supplements.

CBD Oil Gold 150 mg CBD 5 ml (3%)

A broad-spectrum hemp extract with the synergy of naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes, THC free. Natural support for hea.. Details


Do Hemptouch products contain THC?

Our products are generally THC-free, with the exception of CBD Oil Amber, which contains the legal amount - 0.2%. The full spectrum of cannabinoids, including the legal amount of THC, helps with insomnia and reduces stress. Thanks to that, this product ensures maximum efficacy.

All other Hemptouch products are THC-free and only contain other cannabinoids found in cannabis.

CBD Oil Amber 600 mg CBD 20 ml (3%)

A full-spectrum hemp extract with an exceptional balance of all naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes. Optimal synergy for.. Details


Can everyone use CBD products?

Products containing CBD are suitable for everyone. Our cosmetics contain various ingredients such as hempseed oil, hydrolates, essential oils, CBD and so on, all of which are completely safe, reliable and have a positive effect on individuals. What’s more, because they are completely natural, they are even recommended for people with very sensitive skin. So, yes: CBD products are suitable for everyone who might be facing problems and looking for a healthy, natural solution.

Should I choose broad-spectrum or full-spectrum drops?

Broad-spectrum CBD drops or CBD Oil Gold are the ones that do not contain any THC at all, because it is removed entirely during the extraction process. The product is therefore suitable for users who want to avoid even the lowest THC levels.

However, for the full effect, Hemptouch also designed the full-spectrum CBD drops or CBD Oil Amber, which contain the legally allowed amount of THC. The presence of the latter makes the product more holistic and, consequently, more effective. The synergy of all the ingredients also means that the therapeutic potential of the CBD Oil Amber is significantly greater.

But the final decision on the choice of product is, of course, yours. Full-spectrum drops are recommended for the full therapeutic effect, but to be completely safe, individuals purchase the broad spectrum drops more often. In any case, you can expect positive results, which are confirmed by reviews from many of our customers too.

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Hemptouch we bring the extraordinary skincare benefits of hemp to people around the world, helping transform their lives.

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Podbreznik 15
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