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Interview: CBD rescued my body and skin


We recently received the following message from Simona, a user of our Soothing CBD Skin Balm and CBD oil

I had never had any great problems and had always been healthy. It was after I turned 40 that various symptoms began to appear; swelling of my face which made it difficult to swallow and severe urticaria, which consequently led to me having to go to A&E where I had Medrol pumped into my veins. I also had painful, itchy eczema on various areas of my skin, for which on numerous occasions I had to take antibiotics or use a cortisone ointment.

I tried everything from A-Z, bioresonance therapy, homeotherapy and classic medicine. I was tested for everything possible, but nothing was detected. Then I came across an article on the internet about all the various uses of CBD resin and I said to myself that I haven't got anything to lose by trying it. After just two months of using it the outbreaks of swelling and urticaria had lessened and within a couple of days I was better, without the use of Medrol.

My eczema also healed by using your product. I think that it was in October 2017 that I first began using CBD hemp resin - the last outbreak was in February 2018 and since then no more. My skin shows no trace of urticaria, swelling or eczema and I hope that it will remain so.

On the basis of this I decided that my son should also start taking the drops for at least one year so that I can see if they help his acute atopic dermatitis.

We asked Simona for a brief interview, which you can read below.

In the picture you can see the condition of Simona's skin before and after using our hemp products.


When and how did you notice the first changes/reactions in your body or skin? Please describe the symptoms and problems that you faced.

I had been healthy all my life; for 40 years I hadn't had any health problems. In 2016 I noticed I had a small rash on my neck – eczema – which slowly grew and became itchy and painful. Then my eyelids and the area around my mouth began to swell and it was hard to swallow due to my swollen windpipe. All of this was accompanied by severe urticaria all over my body, not spots but large red patches.


How did you allieviate the condition?

Due to the outbreaks of swelling and urticaria, I found myself at A&E on several occasions, where they injected me with Medrol. I was given antibiotics and cortisone cream for my eczema. I underwent all the possible tests, however, nothing was detected. I went for bioresonance therapy and tried homeopathic medicine, but nothing helped.

What led you to hemp, or rather how did you find out about all its beneficial effects?

Because of all my various problems, I was scouring the internet a lot and I saw a programme about how cancer patients were self-treating with hemp. I searched for a Slovenian website, because I'm not keen on ordering from abroad, especially when it comes to such delicate matters as health. That's when I found your website.


How did your body accept hemp and what where the initial feelings when you began using it? When did you notice the first signs of improvement?

At first I found the taste of CBD hemp resin very unpleasant, however, once I began taking it on a daily basis, I soon got used to it. I began using it in autumn 2017 and it was then that the outbreaks of swelling and urticaria began to reduce. If an outbreak occurred, it was to a lesser extent and I no longer needed Medrol. The last outbreak was in February 2018 and I hope that I won't have anymore. I still take CBD resin every day, under my tongue in the morning on an empty stomach. However, since the improvement in my condition, I have reduced the dose to a minimum.

Occasionally I have a tiny area of eczema on my face which I treat with your Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm.


In addition to the improvement in your skin condition, have you noticed any other positive benefits of hemp on your general wellbeing?

I must confess that I was so overwhelmed and afraid because of the outbreaks that I didn't even pay any attention to whether or not I felt any other positive benefits. I was so happy if every day passed without an outbreak of swelling or urticaria, since this was the reason that I began using CBD hemp resin.

My advice to other users would be simply to ensure that you take hemp every day and to persevere with using it for at least six months to see if it helps. I constantly said to myself that I haven't got anything to lose, maybe it will help. It's true that it's not cheap, but when I think about how much money I threw down the drain for everything else, there is no comparison.


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Hemptouch we bring the extraordinary skincare benefits of hemp to people around the world, helping transform their lives.

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