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CBD for children


CBD is a cannabinoid which, of late, has been circling the world at the speed of light. Its popularity can be attributed to the fact that it has an unique, natural and beneficial ability to assimilate itself into our bodies. When the body accepts CBD into its own system, it offers exceptional support and a whole range of positive benefits.

In recent times CBD has become the subject of numerous scientific studies which have indicated, and also proven, the benefits of cannabinoids. In doing so, it has opened the door to an alternative solution for some medical problems.

CBD has proven to be an excellent source of support for the body when it is faced with autoimmune diseases and conditions such as epilepsy, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, insomnia, irritability, and numerous other conditions that can also be present in children. It's no coincidence, therefore, that an increasing number of parents are toying with the idea of offering their children a solution in the form of cannabinoids.


How should CBD be used for children? Can it be given to our little ones without worry?

Despite its ever increasing recognition, CBD cannabinoid is a relatively new substance. There is an ever increasing amount of research about the effects of this cannabinoid, however, there is still a shortage of information in some areas. The use of CBD for children is one such area.

Something that is, however, already known is that children first come into contact with cannabinoids immediately after being born. They receive them via their mother's milk and they are therefore of vital importance for survival. Cannabinoids have a key role in establishing the working of our bodies and balancing bodily functions such as sleep, memory, appetite, and mood, among others. If we use a simile, it could be said that cannabinoids are our bodies' 'conductor'. They take care of communication between cells, and help maintain the body's balance. Thanks to the role of cannabinoids, immediately after birth babies are already able to perceive the needs (hunger, sleep...) that are essential for their survival.


The case of Charlotte Figi

In 2013 the story of Charlotte Figi, a girl from Colorado in the USA, spread around the world. Charlotte was battling with Dravet syndrome – a rare form of epilepsy in children. She had terrible seizures, up to 300 a week, some of which would last for as long as an hour.

Charlotte's parents and doctors could hardly believe their eyes when her condition changed drastically after using CBD. In the first week of therapy using CBD she didn't have any seizures, and today she only has them at the most once per week.

In addition to its exceptional effectiveness, the highlight of treatment involving the use of cannabinoids is the fact that they do not cause undesirable side effects that can affect children when using conventional medicine. It is this fact that also incentivised the medical professional to seek a solution with the help of cannabinoids.

Thus, in Slovenia there is also the possibility of supplementary treatment for epilepsy using CBD, which is led by Dr. David Neubauer from the pediatric clinic of the Ljubljana University Medical Centre.

The study can be found here:


CBD and THC – cannabinoids with great differences

Despite their doubts and amazement, parents all over the world have also accepted the fact that Charlotte was healed with the help of medical cannabis. As a result of her case there has also been increasing talk about the difference between CBD and THC. Both substances fall under the category of cannabinoids, however, there are some key differences between them.

In addition to binding to various receptors, one of the most important differences is that CBD does not have any psychoactive effects on the body. This is also one of the reasons why CBD is so popular among users.


CBD and autism

Autism is a complex disorder that affects most areas of development and prevents children from progressing and developing in the way that these processes take place in neurotypical children.

It mainly manifests itself as changed behaviour in the area of social interaction, and verbal and non-verbal communication. It encompasses a wide spectre of disorders of varying forms.

Researchers in the area of CBD cannabinoids and autism have come up with findings that indicate that the use of cannabinoids can help to alleviate the condition. They found a connection between autism and the cannabinoid receptor CB2, which is located in the endocannabinoid system and which provides great hope in the continued treatment of the syndrome.


Are cannabinoids safer than aspirin?


If we briefly summarise all the existing findings, it can be concluded that CBD also has exceptional potential in solving certain medical conditions in children. All the evidence points to it not having any undesirable side effects. According to Dr. Leslie Iversen from Oxford University, cannabinoids are thought to be ever safer than aspirin.

Regardless of the ever increasing number of success stories that tell of the advantages of using cannabinoids in children, we ultimately nevertheless want to warn you that only long-term studies will be able to 100% confirm the safety of using cannabinoids in children. Therefore, for now the decision remains up to each individual.

Our advice is that prior to any kind of use of cannabinoids, you should first consult a pediatrician and together evaluate alternative forms of treatment with the use of cannabinoids. The fact that there are ever more devotees of this kind of treatment is encouraging.

It should never be forgotten that the safety and health of our children is always of primary importance, therefore be sure to always ensure that you give your child only the best.

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