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New at Hemptouch - Gentle Baby Balm


At Hemptouch, we understand what a baby’s delicate skin needs, so we designed something new: Gentle Baby Balm, a very special ointment that helps a baby’s skin overcome daily environmental challenges, strengthens and softens it, and builds resilience for life. We’ve brought together a treasure trove of omega fats and vitamins to protect your baby’s skin with a natural shield against the outside world. It will protect them from dry, red and itchy skin; it might even soothe a small bump and provide the gentlest care our little treasures deserve. The balm we designed is just the way they like it: playfully colored in all shades of nature and infused with the delicately fruity fragrance of the sunny sea buckthorn.

Perfect like baby skin itself

Is there a better smell than the one emanating from the tender cheeks of a tiny baby? Ask any mother out there and you’re sure to get the same answer ... Baby’s skin is the softest, gentlest and most pleasantly fragrant thing any parent will ever remember! So perfect and supple, yet extremely delicate and fragile at the same time; that’s baby skin.

Baby skin is up to 5 times thinner than adult skin

The skin of babies is not fully mature yet after birth; it’s visibly thinner and far more sensitive than the skin of adults. While it is made up of the same number of layers, each layer is significantly thinner. The sebaceous glands and sweat glands are less active during this period, which means that the skin’s hydrolipidic layer and protective acid mantle are weak, and the skin barrier’s activity is limited. This is the reason why the skin of our youngest is so sensitive to external stimuli - it cannot protect itself sufficiently yet.

Development of a baby’s skin

Newborns and babies up to 1 year of age experience the most intense skin development, which is why thorough skin care is so important This phase comes to an end around age 6, but it is worth remembering that the child’s immune system is still not fully developed then. Sebaceous gland activity only increases with hormonal changes during puberty.

Baby skin is sensitive to chemical, physical and microbial influences. All substances that come into contact with it are absorbed a lot faster than with adults, and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. The ratio of skin surface area to body mass also plays an important role - it is significantly different in babies and adults, so you should keep in mind that any product applied to a child’s skin penetrates deeper and has a much stronger effect on them than it would have on us.

What a cosmetic product for babies and toddlers should not contain

Careful selection of the purest ingredients for toddlers is incredibly important. As we’ve already established, the skin of toddlers is quite different than the skin of adults; the ingredients in skincare products are absorbed faster and penetrate much deeper. In choosing skincare for our youngest, it is vital to avoid any additives that do not belong in products for young children. It is also a good idea to steer clear of unnecessary preservatives, artificial foaming agents, artificial fragrances and colours, as well as potentially allergenic and irritating essential oils. This may sound ridiculous, but it’s still worth remembering: if a cosmetic product is not safe enough to eat, you should never put it on your baby’s skin.

Even ancient peoples anointed their descendants

Special care geared towards children is far from a modern invention, seeing as it was often practiced in the past. Even ancient peoples were anointing their children with the purest plant oils and herbal extracts, and a strong tradition continues to this day. The so-called anointing wasn’t only a means of protection and nurturing, though; it also had ritual significance. In different parts of the world, they used vegetable fats they had access to: argan oil in Morocco, shea butter in Burkina Faso, sesame oil in India, olive oil in the Mediterranean, and the list goes on.

However, one thing is clear: if children’s skin had a choice around here, it would certainly choose hempseed oil. :)

4 quick tips for baby skin care

  • Use mild cleaning products without artificial foaming agents, because they are aggressive, they remove lipids and tend to dry out the skin.
  • Baths should be short and the water shouldn’t be too hot.
  • Regular moisturising will help keep your baby’s skin hydrated and healthy.
  • Make sure to provide sufficient UV protection, as children’s skin is very susceptible to the harmful effects of UV rays.

Taking care of your child should be a form of bonding

Caring for a child is more than just that - it’s a moment that connects the parent and their baby through touch and attention. A gentle massage will leave both of you feeling relaxed and soothed, which can be the perfect evening ritual or just an opportunity for tenderness at any time during the day.

We would be honoured if our new Gentle Baby Balm became that bond between the parents and their baby, if it managed to weave together the power of a touch and the significance of care into a tapestry of intimate love the child can carry with them forever.

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Hemptouch we bring the extraordinary skincare benefits of hemp to people around the world, helping transform their lives.

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